Services » For professionals

Personal therapy and mentoring for professionals

photo of Helen Maggie Watson sat with a cup of tea

Personal therapy for professionals

I offer personal therapy for trainees and fellow practitioners. This may be to enhance personal development or to untangle a specific concern.

There are no time limits to this work which can be a single session several sessions, a specified number of sessions to meet training requirements, or longer term work developing into a long lasting therapeutic relationship.

Mentoring for private practice

If you want additional support to navigate this curious profession, as your mentor I will offer advice and guidance based on my own knowledge and experience owning a successful private practice business.

I believe having a trusted mentor to whom we can turn for assistance provides an essential and invaluable sounding board. My offer allows you to explore the development and establishment of your business in a confidential safe space on a one to one basis separate to your training and supervision.

I will help you with:

  • Business planning – planning for profit, understanding your costs and managing cashflow
  • Financial records – from individual clients to HMRC
  • GDPR responsibilities – organising your data and working in line with your privacy policy
  • Marketing within ethical boundaries and the law
  • Your clinical will
  • Where you practice and how you deliver your services
  • Work life balance