Services » Coaching

Coaching for wellbeing

photo of Helen Maggie Watson working online

Coaching has a different flavour to therapy, like therapy it takes place within a supportive relationship but unlike therapy our concern isn’t healing, in coaching the emphasis is on closing the gap between our current position and our potential.

My coaching offer focuses on wellbeing and wellness; my training is NHS accredited in this domain. Included under the wellbeing umbrella are: stress, emotional health, healthy eating, sleep, being more active, self-care, along with other apsects of our lives which impact our wellbeing and are often a feature of life coaching.

Coaching recognises where we are and envisions where we want to go, we explore what may be holding us back in the present with a view to identifying and implementing strength based solutions. Coaching is explicit about making change happen, it’s about self-empowerment through self-awareness, self-management and increased self-efficacy. Coaching assumes a level of okayness and your enthusiasm to enter into a collaborative relationship focusing on change.

My approach to coaching is flexible and geared to suit your individual needs but usually begins with a commitment to work together for six sessions.

I provide a safe confidential space where you will be supported to achieve the transformation you choose in a warm collaborative relationship helping you flourish.